Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jesus - Essay Example The Sower and The Seed: Luke 8: 4-15 The parable of the Sower and the Seed was taught by Jesus and was likewise clearly explained in the Gospel. According to the parable, the sower was on the way to plant some seeds. On the way to the place where he was to specifically plant, some of the seeds fell in different places: in the way side, on a rock, and even on thorns. As expected, these seeds eventually withered and died. Only the seed which were planted in good ground became productive and bore fruits. Jesus likewise explained here that the seeds were the word of God and the different types of ground are people who listen to the word. The lesson that Jesus tried to impart was that people who are honest, who have a good heart, and are holistically prepared to receive the good message from the scriptures are the ones who would benefit from these words by living it, sharing them to others, and become productive from having learned from them. Those who are not prepared could just be expos ed to these words and teachings and not be able to apply them in their daily lives. Likewise, though not explicitly mentioned the sower could be the source of perpetuating the word of God; this could be the spiritual adviser, the priest, or even the Holy Scriptures where the Word of God could be found, or where these teachings would be relayed. Thus, the spiritual significance of this parable is deduced in terms of assuming the appropriate perspective: mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and even socially, to receive, to imbibe, to share, and to apply what one would learn from the gospel readings and teachings of God’s words to appreciate the lessons which are relayed therein. The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37 Another parable told by Jesus was the story of the Good Samaritan. The story apparently unfolded when a certain lawyer asked Jesus what should be done to inherit eternal life and the series of responses led him to subsequently ask who one’s neighbor i s (The New Testament Excerpts: Life of Jesus).

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